Update subscriber information in the target list
Request Parameters
- APIKey = {string} (required)
- The API key you are using to authenticate the access.
- Command = {Subscriber.Update} (required)
- API Command
- ResponseFormat = {JSON | XML} (required)
- Response format
- JSONPCallBack = {bool}
- Send this parameter for cross-domain. More info about JSONP can be found here: http: //
- SubscriberID = {integer} (required)
- Target subscriber ID
- SubscriberListID = {integer} (required)
- Owner subscription list ID
- EmailAddress = {string} (required)
- Email address
- Fields = {array} (required)
- Custom field IDs with prefix of 'CustomField'. Ex: Fields[CustomField28]
- Access = {subscriber | admin} (required)
- User (or subscriber) authentication
Response Parameters
- Success = {true | false}
- States if there is an error or not
- ErrorCode = {integer}
- If there is an error, error's code
- ErrorCustomFieldID = {integer}
- If there's an error with one of the provided custom fields, custom field ID number will be provided
- ErrorCustomFieldTitle = {integer}
- If there's an error with one of the provided custom fields, custom field title will be provided
- ErrorCustomFieldDescription = {integer}
- If there's an error with one of the provided custom fields, description of the error message is provided
Error Codes
- 1
- Missing subscriber ID
- 2
- Missing subscriber list ID
- 3
- Missing email address
- 4
- Invalid email address
- 5
- Invalid subscriber list ID
- 6
- Invalid subscriber ID
- 7
- Subscriber already exists
- 8
- One of the provided custom fields is empty. Custom field ID and title is provided as an additional output parameter
- 9
- One of the provided custom field value already exists in the database. Please enter a different value. Custom field ID and title is provided as an additional output parameter
- 10
- One of the provided custom field value failed in validation checking. Custom field ID and title is provided as an additional output parameter
- 99998
- Authentication failure or session expired
- 99999
- Not enough privileges