If you find your account is running low on a resource but you don't wish to upgrade to the next...
How do I add an additional domain to my account?If your hosting package supports more than one domain, you can add (and remove) additional...
How do I enable Directory Browsing?Log into the control panel Click the Domains icon Select the relevant domain Click the Web Site...
How do I enable Parent Paths?If you are receiving an error such as the following:Active Server Pages error "ASP...
How do I mirror my site on an additional domain?If you have more than one domain that you would like to reference the same site, you can set up a...
How do I modify my Default Documents?Default Documents are the filenames the webserver will look for when your site is browsed without...
How do subdomains work?A subdomain can be useful if you wish to "break up" the domain structure of your site,...
I have only just registered/transferred my domain, how can I test my site?If you have only recently registered or transferred your domain name, it can take up to 72 hours...
What are the three folders in my root directory?Every site created on our system will have three folders automatically created with it.wwwroot -...
Why do I get a 404 error (File not found) when I know the file exists?If you have uploaded a scripting file (such as ASP or PHP) but do not have that particular...