WhoisDLL is a Whois COM object that makes querying domain names a lot easier. The whois server is automatically found (whois servers aren't hard coded in) by WhoisDLL, and the lookup is then executed using this.
Returns the lookup information for the domain, specified by 'domain'. If there was an error during lookup, this method returns a blank string, and the error is available in the Error property.
Takes a string, specified by 'str' and converts all newlines (Ascii character 10) to "<BR>".
Takes a string, specified by 'str' and converts all newlines (Ascii character 10) to Ascii character 10 and 13, a carriage return in Windows.
If you set this property before calling the 'whois' method, then the server specified will be used. Otherwise, this property contains the server used to perform the whois.
If any error occured during a lookup, this property will hold a description of what the error was.
Server.ScriptTimeout = 30
DomainName = Trim(Request("DomainName"))
DomainName = Replace(DomainName,"http://","",vbTextCompare)
DomainName = Replace(DomainName,"www.","",vbTextCompare)
Set whoisdll = Server.CreateObject("WhoisDLL.Whois")
Result = ""
Result = whoisdll.whois(Trim(DomainName))
StartPos = InStr(Result,"Whois Server:")
If StartPos > 0 Then
 StartPos = StartPos + Len("Whois Server:")
 EndPos = InStr(StartPos,Result,vblf)
 WhoisServer = Trim(Mid(Result,StartPos,EndPos-StartPos))
 Set whoisdll = Server.CreateObject("WhoisDLL.Whois")
 whoisdll.WhoisServer = WhoisServer
 Result = ""
 Result = whoisdll.whois(Trim(DomainName))
 WhoisResult = Result
 If InStr(1,Result,"No match for",vbTextCompare) > 0 Then Response.Write "DOMAIN AVAILABLE"
End IfÂ
NOTE: If you know the specific Who Is server address you wish to use, you can set the WhoIsServer property before the search is run. This has the advantage of being faster as a whois lookup doesn't need to be made first.