Update campaign details
Request Parameters
- APIKey = {string} (required)
- The API key you are using to authenticate the access.
- Command = {Campaign.Update} (required)
- API Command
- ResponseFormat = {JSON | XML} (required)
- Response format
- JSONPCallBack = {bool}
- Send this parameter for cross-domain. More info about JSONP can be found here: http: //
- CampaignID = {integer} (required)
- Campaign ID to update
- CampaignStatus = {Draft | Ready | Sending | Paused | Pending Approval | Sent | Failed} (required)
- Set the cmapaign status
- CampaignName = {string} (required)
- Name of the campaign
- RelEmailID = {integer} (required)
- The email content of campaign (email ID)
- ScheduleType = {Not Scheduled | Immediate | Future | Recursive} (required)
- Type of the schedule
- SendDate = {YYYY-MM-DD} (required)
- Date to send campaign
- SendTime = {HH: MM: SS} (required)
- Time to send campaign
- SendTimeZone = {string} (required)
- Time zone of the schedule date
- ScheduleRecDaysOfWeek = {0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7} (required)
- (Recursive scheduling) separate values with comma (,). Enter 0 for every day
- ScheduleRecDaysOfMonth = {0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ... | 31} (required)
- (Recursive scheduling) separate with comma (,). Enter 0 for every day
- ScheduleRecMonths = {0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 12} (required)
- (Recursive scheduling) separate with comma (,). Enter 0 for every month
- ScheduleRecHours = {0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 23} (required)
- (Recursive scheduling) separate with comma (,)
- ScheduleRecMinutes = {0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 59} (required)
- (Recursive scheduling) separate with comma (,)
- ScheduleRecSendMaxInstance = {integer} (required)
- (Recursive scheduling) number of times to repeat campaign sending (enter 0 for unlimited)
- ApprovalUserExplanation = {string} (required)
- User explanation for the campaign if campaign is pending for approval
- GoogleAnalyticsDomains = {string} (required)
- Domains to track with Google Analytics (seperate domains with line break (\n))
- RecipientListsAndSegments = {string} (required)
- Target subscriber lists and segments. Each segment and list is seperated by comma. Format: ListID: SegmentID,ListID: SegmentID Ex: 3: 0,3: 2
Response Parameters
- Success = {true | false}
- States if there is an error or not
- ErrorCode = {integer}
- If there is an error, error's code
Error Codes
- 1
- Missing campaign ID
- 2
- Invalid campaign ID
- 3
- Invalid campaign status value
- 4
- Invalid email ID
- 5
- Invalid campaign schedule type value
- 6
- Missing send date
- 7
- Missing send time
- 8
- Day of month or day of week must be provided for recursive scheduling
- 9
- Months must be provided for recursive scheduling
- 10
- Hours must be provided for recursive scheduling
- 11
- Minutes must be provided for recursive scheduling
- 12
- Number of times to repeat must be provided for recursive scheduling
- 13
- Time zone for scheduling is missing
- 99998
- Authentication failure or session expired
- 99999
- Not enough privileges