Retrieves campaigns of a user.
Request Parameters
- APIKey = {string} (required)
- The API key you are using to authenticate the access.
- Command = {Campaigns.Get} (required)
- API Command
- ResponseFormat = {JSON | XML} (required)
- Response format
- JSONPCallBack = {bool}
- Send this parameter for cross-domain. More info about JSONP can be found here: http: //
- OrderField = {string} (required)
- Name of the field to order based on
- OrderType = {ASC | DESC} (required)
- Ascending or descending ordering
- CampaignStatus = {All | Draft | Ready | Sending | Paused | Pending Approval | Sent | Failed} (required)
- Status of campaigns to retrieve
- SearchKeyowrd = {string} (required)
- Keyword to look for in CampaignName field
- RecordsPerRequest = {integer} (required)
- How many rows to return per page
- RecordsFrom = {integer} (required)
- Start from (starts from zero)
- RetrieveTags = {true|false} (v4.0.4+)
- Set to true if you are going to filter campaign list based on specific filters
- Tags = {string} (v4.0.4+)
- Tag ID numbers separated with comma if you are going to filter campaign list based on tags
Response Parameters
- Success = {true | false}
- States if there is an error or not
- ErrorCode = {integer}
- If there is an error, error's code
- ErrorText = {text}
- Campaigns = {array}
- Returns the list of all campaigns in array
- TotalCampaigns = {integer}
- Returns the total number of campaigns
Error Codes
- 1
- Missing user ID
- 99998
- Authentication failure or session expired
- 99999
- Not enough privileges